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3D printable case for PiKVM v3.2 HAT

When printing the case, you can choose the following options:

  • The presence or absence of an OLED screen (used to display the IP address and other information).
  • The presence or absence of holes for the AUM v3.3 (Advanced USB Module, most likely you don't have it).

Also take a look at the PCI bracket for ATX adapter board.

Buy options



The front part

Choose ONE of them.

Variant Description
The front part of the case WITHOUT a hole for the OLED
The front part of the case with a hole for installing the OLED

The back part

Choose ONE of them.

Variant Description
The back part of the case WITHOUT AUM holes
The back part of the case for installing the AUM


Type Description
6.2mm spacer, required TWO pieces
2mm spacer required TWO without AUM or ONE for AUM
1mm spacer required ONE for AUM only
Low spacer required ONE