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This feature allows you to select a screen region, recognize it as text and copy this text to the clipboard. Recognition works locally on your PiKVM and does not use any cloud services. It uses the Tesseract OCR library. Tesseract does not see your image until you explicitly give the recognition command. The evil AI is not watching your screen.

Language support

For any language, you will have to install its support. It is very easy to do this (English language for example):

# rw
# pacman --assume-installed tessdata -S tesseract-data-eng
# ro

List all available languages in the repository:

# pacman -Ss tesseract-data

Disabling OCR

If you want to get rid of this feature completely, you need to delete Tesseract and all its data:

# rw
# pacman -R tesseract
# reboot